So we get back from Disneyland last night and one of the things I'm really looking forward to when I wake up this morning is picking up our mini-wiener dog "Boomer". Off to the kennel I go, I pay my bill, and me and the dog go jogging outside.
The dog is sure footed on ice. I'm not. My almost 49 year old body does a slip and fall like you can't believe. Right out of the cartoons. I swear I levitated for a couple of seconds before I fell flat on my back. HARD. I don't think I've had the wind knocked out of me since I quite playing contact hockey, but this morning that unforgettable crushing feeling returned.
So there I am. Flat on my back, I can't breath, and I'm holding on to an overactive, half wild wiener-dog. Once I can draw air again (10 seconds or so) my next thought is the old "geez I wonder if anyone saw that"? Someone did.
Parked about 20 feet from me was an ambulance with an EMS guy sitting there looking at me. He didn't move. Didn't roll down the window and ask "you OK buddy"? Nothing. He just.....sat there staring at me. I got the feeling I could have been unconscious and the wiener dog would have been more help than this guy.
Like radio folks, EMS workers are always on the job. And even if they are at the kennel picking up their dog in the company truck on a Sunday morning, they gotta answer the bell.
I'm fine by the way. I think the wiener dog saved me.