Radio resolution #4: Frequency and Simplicity
Radio is the science of frequency. The more times a simple message is conveyed, the better it is understood. Please consider....
- The message must be simple. Use too many words and your effectiveness decreases. Try to cover too many details and you water the message down. Over produce a promo or splitter with too much showbiz and the message is lost. KISS. Keep It Simple....Silly.
- Run your message often. If you have a big station event or promotion happening get it on the air up to 3 times an hour. One splitter and a couple of jock mentions. Remember, quick and simple.
- Make your message compelling. Hearing the same message over and over isn't boring, but listening to it delivered the same way is. Variety is critical. You need several versions of splitters and jocks need to be creative and thoughtful with their phrasing and delivery. Keep your message in the moment, and update it frequently.
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