Thursday, November 24, 2011

What's the deal?

We continue to hear and read about the "occupy" movement. My view is (and this won't be a surprise) right wing. I they really have issues? If they do, and you asked ten random campers in the tent cities what those issues are, could they tell you? Or are they just sort of....there.

I found this comment interesting too. What do you think?

"The protesters, the demonstrators here in Calgary, have made a mistake. And the mistake they've made is they've let it become about the tents to the point we're no longer talking about the message, if any, the demonstrators have and I think that's a real shame because they had a beautiful opportunity and they have let it go away.

"I'm not saying it can't be saved. I'm not saying there is not an opportunity to continue the discussion on the important issues that matter, but here it's become about the tents and people pooping in the [Olympic] plaza and all sorts of exciting things like that instead of about issues of social justice in the community, and I think that's a real shame."

Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi

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