Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I follow the blog of a guy named Mark Ramsey. He had this to say recently, and I wanted to share it with you guys.

Where's your Radio "Experience"?

So I'm in a lovely hotel in Portland OR when I hear through the window a familiar movie score. It's the score to one of the original Universal Frankenstein movies. What had me really mystified was that I was hearing it loud - and through my window.

Who in their right mind would be playing that?

A quick call to the front desk revealed that every Thursday this summer there's a weekly film screening on the roof of the parking structure next door, and tonight's film was - sure enough - Son of Frankenstein

So my wife and I had to check it out. How many folks could possibly be interested in this B movie from the 30's?

Lo and behold, there must have been 150 or more people lined up in folding chairs on this chilly roof - most paying 8 dollars a ticket - for the chance to see under the stars what they can find on Netflix for almost nothing.

If ever there was proof that consumers want experiences, here it was. This movie was hardly the type which could attract a crowd nowadays.

But when you add this family-safe picture to the unique social experience of a group viewing, a live music intro, some culinary tidbits and refreshments - mostly provided by proud sponsors - and the romance of a panoramic view, you have something much more than "content" - you have "content on steroids."

You have an experience.

In my opinion not nearly enough thought, effort, and investment goes into the "experience" of radio. Experiences worth having generally come from the addition of creative inspiration.

If you want to compete with a torrent of creatively inspired distractions, consider whether you're creating "radio" or an authentic, eye-catching and ear-catching consumer "experience."

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