Thursday, January 23, 2014

A Pep Talk

If you're reading this now it means you survived Blue Monday this past week.  Some real smart guys gave it that name because it's a Monday in the middle of winter where we have less sunlight than we need, Christmas is over, spring is a long way off....yadda, yadda, yadda.  Simply put, more of us are in the dumps that usual.  Blue Monday.

Watch this every Monday morning.  Your Blue Mondays will be a little less blue.


Sunday, January 19, 2014

I was reminded just a day or two ago by my friend Jim that I haven't blogged in a couple of years.  I don't know how, and I don't know why, but it just sort of slipped away.  I told Jim how much I enjoyed blogging and said that I'd start again.  So here goes.  Don't expect anything earth shaking or game changing.  Just the opinions and perspectives of a guy who's been blessed to be in media for a long time. 

We just got back from a family vacation to Disneyland last night, and something cool happened on the first leg home from LA to Calgary.  A guy named Gregg Saretsky was on the flight.  He's the CEO of West Jet. 

He did a few interesting things.  West Jet has "Plus Seats" that give you a little extra leg room and wider seats.  He didn't sit in one of those.  He was in row six.  He did the pre-flight announcements, worked the refreshment cart handing out drinks and snacks, picked up the empty cups on approach, took visitors and questions during the flight, and was there to say goodbye with the rest of the flight crew when we all got off the plane. 

He didn't need to do any of this.  He could have just sat quietly, done his email, and been another guy in a jacket and tie heading home.  But he didn't do that.  He walked the walk.  He lead from the front.  

In a way, this is exactly what you would expect from the West Jet culture isn't it?